Abdomen obstipum
Abdomen obstipum is a rarely used term to describe a
deformity of the abdomen (belly) due to being born with
short rectus muscles. The rectus abdominis muscle
(commonly referred to as the “six pack” muscle) is a
paired muscle of the belly that helps push together the
internal organs, assists with breathing, tenses the front
wall of the belly, and flex part of the bony covering of
the spine. Because the rectus abdominus muscle plays
an important role in posture, abdomen obstipum can
result in extreme kyphosis (excessive outward
curvature of the spine). Abdomen obstipum can cause
extreme abdominal muscle contractions and makes it
difficult to do things such as lifting something heavy,
giving birth, and defecating.
This is the abdominal area
where abdomen obstipum
takes place.
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Abdomen obstipum can be cured completely by surgically removing the muscle. However,
this will result in some abdominal weakness and inability to do sit-ups. Over time,
however, other abdominal muscles will help compensate to do everyday tasks. Another
risk of surgical removal of the rectus abdominal muscle is that the intestines can poke
through the weakness in the abdominal muscles. Abdomen obstipum comes fro the Latin
word “abdomen” meaning “belly,” the Latin word “ab” meaning “against,” and the Latin
word “stipo” meaning “to crowd.” Put the words together and you get “to crowd against
(the) belly.”

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