An abdominoplasty is an operation performed on the
wall of the abdomen (belly) to make it look better by
making it more firm. Excess skin and fat from the
middle and lower part of the abdomen is removed to
tighten the muscle and fascia (a structure of
connective tissue that surrounds muscles) from the
wall of the abdomen.
Before (left) and after (right) an
There are five types of abdmoninoplasties. The first is a complete (full) abdominoplasty,
which involves a larger incision, more incisions, and more significant detachment of skin
and fat from the lower abdomen than a partial (mini) abdominoplasty (second type).

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The third type is an extended abdominoplasty, which is a complete abdominoplaty plus a
lateral thigh lift, which removes excess skin from the lateral thighs. The fourth type is a
high lateral tension tummy tuck, in which muscles are tightened horizontally as well as
vertically, resulting in a very flat abdomen. The fifth type is a circumferential
abdominoplasty, which is an extended abdminoplasty plus a buttock lift (removal of
excess skin from the buttocks).

An abdominoplasty is usually pursued by patients who have loose and/or sagging
abdominal tissue after pregnancy or major weight loss. Abdominoplasty is also known as
a tummy tuck. Abdominoplasty comes from the Latin word "abdomen" meaning "belly,"
and the Greek word "plastos" meaning "formed." Put the two words together and you
have "belly formed."

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