Abdominothoracic means relating to the abdomen (belly) and
thorax (chest). One example is the abdominothoracic arch,
which is a bell-shaped line along the lowest of the false ribs
and the lower end of the sternum (the flat bone in the middle of
the chest), creating a general boundary line between the
abdomen and the thorax.

Another example is abdominothoracic respiration, which is a
type of breathing most present in males, in which the muscles
of the stomach and diaphragm play a greater part than the
thoracic muscles. The diaphragm is a muscular-fibrous area
that separates the chest and abdomen that assists in

FEATURED BOOK: Anatomy of the Abdomen and Thorax
The abdominothoracic area.
Surgery through the abdominothoracic region is known as an abdominothoracic approach
and involves abdominothoracic incisions. Such surgeries sometimes occur after
abdominothoracic injuries, abdominothoracic wounds, or abdominothoracic diseases. An
example of the latter is an abdominothoracic surgical resection (cutting away) of the
esophagus in cases of esophageal cancer. Another disease known to affect the
abdominothoracic region is abdominothoracic tuberculosis.Tuberculosis is a type of
infection that usually affects the lungs but can affect other body parts as well.
Abdominothoracic comes from the Latin word "abdomen" meaning "belly," and the Greek
word "thorax" meaning "chest." Put the two words together and you have "belly chest."
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