E. Coli
E. coli (or Escherichia coli) is a type of bacteria with
hundreds of different strains. Some of the strains produce a
powerful poison that can cause severe illness. The strains
are differentiated from one another based on specific
markers found on its surface.


No. Most strains of E. coli are actually harmless and live in
the intestines of healthy individuals, including animals. The
intestine is a tube shaped structure that is part of the
digestive tract.

E.Coli under the microscope.
FEATURED BOOK: Microcosm: E. Coli and the New Science of Life


A picture of E. coli under a microscope is shown above. The tiny, hair-like structures
you see help the bacteria attach itself to the surfaces inside the body, such as the lining
of the intestines.


People usually get sick from E. coli when the harmful strains of this bacteria are not
killed during the cooking process, as the bacteria is found in many uncooked foods.

Normally, cooking kills the bacteria. However, undercooked food such
as ground beef, can cause E. coli infection. E. coli can be spread by
eating other foods that have not been properly cleaned. Examples of
such foods include salami, lettuce and some other fresh produce,
alfalfa and radish sprouts, and fruit juice.

But how do harmful strains of E. coli get into the meat in the first place
you ask. What typically happens is that the harmful strain of E. coli
live in the intestines of cows. The meat can become contaminated
during the slaughtering process, which then gets into the ground beef.
It is difficult to detect and prevent E. coli contamination since the
bacteria does not have an abnormal smell or appearance and since
only small numbers are needed to cause infection.
Meat is not the only way people can get E. coli infection. E. coli can be present on the udders of cows
or on dairy farming machinery, allowing it to possibly contaminate raw milk. Thus, drinking unpasteurized
milk products increases the risk of E. coli infection. All effort should be made to drink pasteurized milk to
minimize the risk of E. coli infection. Pasteurization is a process in which is used to destroy harmful
products in perishable food products without harming the food itself. Unpastuerized apple cider is another
type of drink that can spread E. coli.

Another way E. coli spreads is when a person comes in contact with the feces of an infected individual.
This can happen in child care facilities, hospital settings, and even in one’s own home. Although you may
wonder how you would come in contact with someone’s feces in your home, it is actually fairly easy and
may happen without you knowing it. What usually happens is that an infected person does not wipe
him/herself properly or not wash his/her hands after wiping. The person then touches household items,
such as the refrigerator door. An uninfected person later opens the refrigerator door, touches E.coli
without knowing it, bites his/her fingernails, and gets infected.

Toddlers who are not potty trained are also likely to spread the infection after having “accidents” that
require changing of undergarments. If caretakers do not wash their hands properly after changing a
diaper, that can also cause the infection to spread. Another source of infection can be swimming water
or improperly treated drinking water that has been contaminated by human or animal feces containing E.


Signs and symptoms of E. coli infection include severe and sometimes bloody diarrhea and stomach
cramps. A mild fever may also occur. Symptoms may last for about 5 to 10 days. Although older children
rarely carry the disease without symptoms, smaller children may continue to excrete the poison made by
E. coli weeks after recovery.

There are some cases in which a serious condition known as hemolytic-uremic syndrome can occur as
a result of E. coli infection. This condition causes red blood cell death and kidney failure. Red blood cells
help carry oxygen in the blood. The kidneys are two organs located on each side of the spine, behind the
stomach that filter wastes from the blood.

People who are most likely to develop hemolytic-uremic syndrome are older people, people with
weakened immune (defense) systems, and children younger than age five. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
is the main cause of sudden kidney failure in children and most cases are caused by E. coli.


To diagnose E. coli, a sample of the feces is analyzed. This is known as a stool sample, since another
word for feces is stool. The specific name of the test that is used to detect E. coli in a stool sample is
called a SMAC agar. SMC stands for sorbitol MacConkey. Sorbitol is a type of sugar used in the test.
Agar is a jelly-like material derived from algae (plant-like water organisms) that is often used as a
substance to test for the presence of bacteria. The word “MacConkey” comes from Alfred MacConkey, a
British bacteriologist (1861-1931) who developed easy ways to culture (grow) certain types of bacteria.


In many cases, E. coli does not require treatment, since diarrhea (often the only sign of infection) goes
away in about one week. Unfortunately, antibiotic treatment has not been helpful in treating E. coli and is
some cases, can actually bring on kidney failure. Although some may be tempted to use medications to
stop diarrhea, this is usually not a good idea since it would keep E. coli inside the body instead of letting
it leave. As always, consult your doctor for advice specific to your medical situation.

In cases of hemolytic-uremic syndrome (see above), the patient will be admitted to the Intensive Care
Unit (ICU). An ICU is an area of a hospital in which patients with life threatening medical problems of
sudden onset are placed for close monitoring and constant, complicated, detailed nursing and medical
care. In the case of hemolytic-uremic syndrome, the patient will require a blood transfusion, in which
blood from another person is used to replace the diseased blood.

Kidney dialysis may also be required in patients with hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Dialysis is a technique
in which one is hooked up to a machine that performs the functions of the kidneys, removing wastes and
extra water from the blood. Although long-term dialysis may be required in some cases and abnormal
kidney function can continue for many years, people usually survive the complication of hemolytic-
uremic syndrome. Those who recover from this syndrome often have life-long medical complications
such as seizures, paralysis, high blood pressure, and blindness.

In some cases, E. coli infection may cause such damage to the intestine that the colon needs to be
removed. The colon is the major part of the large intestine, located in the belly. Removal of the colon is
major surgery that may cause life-long diarrhea.


There are steps that can be taken to reduce E. coli infection. One way is to avoid eating meat, but that
is not an option many people want to choose. If eating meat is something you enjoy, doctors recommend
using a meat thermometer to make sure the meat is well-done. The internal temperature should be 155
degrees Fahrenheit. All effort should be made to drink pasteurized milk to minimize the risk of E. coli
infection. Pasteurization is a process in which is heat is used to destroy harmful products in perishable
food products without harming the food itself.


E. coli was first discovered in the United States in 1982 as a form of food poisoning. This occurred
when a bunch of hamburgers contaminated with E. coli caused an outbreak of illnesses characterized by
severe, bloody diarrhea. The deadliest outbreak, however, occurred in Scotland in 1996-1997, where it
killed 21 people.


E. coli is also known as non-Shiga producing E. coli, Escherichia coli, calibacillus, and colon bacillus.