Aberration, in the field of medicine, means different from the
normal, right, or usual pattern or course. An example would be
development or growth that is different from normal. For
example, someone who is 8 feet 11 inches tall (see picture to
right) is an aberration due to excessive height whereas an adult
who is 4 feet tall is an aberration due to extreme shortness. An
organ that acts unusually is sometimes referred to as an
aberration. An example would be the heart producing an
abnormal rate of rhythm (known as an arrhythmia). Aberration
can also be used to refer to an imperfect image caused by a
physical defect in an optical element, such as a lens.
FEATURED BOOK: Guinness Book of World Records (2015)
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Aberration is a term often used in mental health to refer to a deviation from a normal
mental state, usually minor or temporary in an otherwise adapted individual. It can refer
to a lapse of control of one’s mental functioning. The term “aberration of youth” is
sometimes used to refer to young people deviating from truth or what is considered
morally proper.

An example of the above would be juvenile delinquency, which is continuous criminal
and/or antisocial behaviors by a minor who cannot be controlled by the authority of
his/her parents, causes danger to others, and whose actions become the concern of
police or other law enforcement agencies. Aberration comes from the Latin word
"aberrare" meaning "to wander."