Viscera is a term used to describe all of the organs
inside the cavities (openings) of the body. However,
viscera is typically used to refer to all of the organs
inside of the abdomen (belly). Viscera inside the
abdominal area are sometimes these are referred to as
guts or innards. Some examples of viscera throughout
the body include the intestines, stomach, colon, heart,
lungs, liver, kidney, gall bladder, and urinary bladder.
Viscera is plural of viscus, a term for any organ inside
of the body. Organs that are hollow, have multiple
layers, and which are studied in splanchnology (the
study of the organs inside of the body) are also referred
to as viscus. Another word that means the same thing
as viscus is splanchnic.
The visceral organs.
FEATURED BOOK: Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

The nerves that communicate with the viscera are known as the vagus nerve and the
sphlanchnic nerves. The vagus nerve sends sensory information about the viscera to the
brain and spinal cord. The sphlanchnic nerves are paired nerves that control the function
of the viscera.

In ancient times, Roman priests used to examine the viscera of animals to tell the future
based on their dimensions, shape, and other characteristics. When the viscera are
removed from a butchered animal, it is commonly referred to as offal. The word "visceral"
means referring to the viscera. Viscera is also known as vitals. Viscera comes from the
Latin word "viscus" meaning "internal organs."

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